韓國瑜臉書7日發文:「誠摯祝賀川普先生完成這場不可思議的王者歸來,再度登頂成為美國的Mr. President,也恭喜所有當選的美國參眾議員們,祝福各位不孚眾望、鴻圖得展。」
韓國瑜還同時以英文表示:「Congratulations to Mr. Donald Trump on your victory on once again being elected the president of the United States of America, and my most sincere congratulations to all the newly elected US Senators and representatives, wishing you all success in your service to the nation. For nearly 250 years, the United States has been a beacon of democracy and prosperity to the world. In addition, the Senate and the Congress have always maintained contact and friendly exchanges with the Legislative Yuan of ROC (Taiwan) throughout the years. I wish for your continued support of the peace and stability at the Taiwan Strait, and the upholding of the democratic values of the world. We welcome all the new and old friends in the Capitol Hill to visit our Legislative Yuan. We look forward to discussing new possibilities for political and economic cooperation between Taiwan and the US. 」