漫威電影十年來在全球創下超過183億美元的票房,《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》(Avengers: Endgame)為此系列劃下終點,其中飾演「美國隊長」的37歲美國男星克里斯伊凡(Chris Evans)俊俏外型受到全球無數粉絲愛戴。日前他無預警參加高中同學會,還在胸前搞笑別上名牌,讓在場同學又驚又喜,直呼「完全不敢相信以他現在的知名度還會參加這種聚會!」
Chris Evans went to his 20 year high school reunion and I’m not sure if my favorite accessory is the cardigan, the beard or the name tag. This is why he’s the Best Chris. We are all the lady on the right. pic.twitter.com/d4hJn4DgNv
— April (@ReignOfApril) 2019年5月12日
Chris Evans attending his 20 year high school reunion and writing “Chris” on his little name tag the same weekend Endgame becomes the 2nd highest grossing movie of all time feels like the Chris Evansiest thing to ever Chris Evans pic.twitter.com/Bnc9vVsd1W
— Collin (@collinsapera) 2019年5月5日
(中時電子報)Chris Evans really wore a name tag at his high school reunion last night. This adorable meatball. pic.twitter.com/vgTUQ32Zqs
— Grace (@JustDreadful_) 2019年5月5日