影/「1兆男」黃仁勳演講大談AI 開場大秀台語!笑稱不標準:越想越緊張





台大臉書公布黃仁勳將擔任畢典嘉賓。   圖/台大臉書粉專


台大此次畢典以「揚帆待發 勇於追夢」為規劃主軸,期許畢業生勤奮努力持之以恆朝理想前進,勇敢踏出舒適圈,不要放棄追尋夢想,成就更好的自己,這也是校長陳文章上任後首次主持畢業典禮。




「大家好,我今天本來想說……跟你們說台灣話。但是…越想越緊張。我在美國長大的,所以我的台灣話不是這麼標準,所以我今天跟你們說英文好不好?OK 我們來開始」



















還沒有手機,那是1994年,IBM PC跟MAC PC






AI will create new job that didn’t exists before 

like prompt engineering

these job every existed before

automated job will obsolete some job

AI will change every  job 

supercharging programmer, designer, and manufacturer planner

every company and you must learn to take advantages of AI

do amazing things with AI copiilor


we are the begging at a new area

like PC and internet 

but AI is far more fundamental 

how we write software to hot it process

in everywhere this is a rebirth of computer industry

an opportunities for company in Taiwan


my journey started 40 years before your

1984 is a perfect year to graduate

i predict 2023 will be as well

What can I tell you

today is the most successful day of yours so far

you graduated from here

I was also successful, until I started NVIDIA

There is experience failure, big ones

all humiliating and embarrassing

many doomed us

let me tell you three


Our first application is 3D graphics for PC gaming

we use forward texturating, which is lower cost 

we want saga do build their console with us

with 1 year dev, we found the architecture is wrong

it was poor

and mS about to launch based on inverse methods

if we completed that console, we will build big technology to catch up Windows

but we’ll be out of money if we finished the contract

I contacted SAGA’s CEO , said the approach is wrong

they should find another contractor

we had to stop 

but  I need SAGA to pay us in whole

or we will be out of business

CEO of SAGA, to his credit and my amazement, agree

his generosity gave us 3 month to live

we build RIVA 28

save the company

confronting our mistake and with humility

asking for help saved NVIDIA

in  2007, we announced CUDA computing

we want it to boost scientific computing, physical computing

it was incredibly hard, rarely done in history 


we use GEFORECE our gaming GPU

but the cost was very high 

our profit took hit for many years

our market caps below 1 billion we suffer many years of poor performance

but we persevere, we believe the time for acc computing will come

then the application came

CT reconstruction , molecular construction

image processing

one domain after another came

our dev write algorithm and chip speed up 

2014 Alex trained on our GPU started a big bang of AI

fortunately we realize the potential of deep learning

we risk everything to pursue deep learning 

years later, AI revolution started

NVIDIA is the engine for it

we invented CUDA for AI

but the journey forged our character , to endure pain and suffering is needed for vision

one more story

in 2010, GOOGLE dev android to computer with excellent graphics

NVIDIA computing power made us good partner for android

we were successful, the stock surge

we were learning how to build models

the phone market was huge

we could fight for share

instead, we sacrifice the market

our mission is to build computer to solve problems

we should dedicated to vision

it paid off

by leaving the phone market, we invented a new one

a new computer for robotics

with NN, safety architecture to run AI

it was a 0 billion dollar market

from a giant phone market to create robotic market 

now we stared a new industry

retreat does not come easy 

for bright people like you 

but strategic retreat, deciding what to give up 

decide the core of success 

2023 graduates, like me, when PC and chip revolution

you are at the starting line of AI

every industry will be revolutionized

ready for new IDeas, your ideas

in  40 years we created the PC, internet, mobile, clouds, and now the AI era

What will you create?

whatever it is, one like we did

run after we created

run , don’t walk

remember, either you’re running for food

or running from being food



either you’re running for food

or you’re running from being food

and oftentimes, you can’t tell which 

either way , run 

on your journey take away some of my

made mistakes, ask for help 

endure pain and suffering to realize your dreams

makes sacrifice to dedicate to your life work


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