影/邋遢有理!醫示警「起床馬上摺被」是NG行為 恐讓氣喘發作




根據外媒《The Daily Dot》報導,梅澤(Mehzer)日前於Tiktok上傳影片表示,如果早上立即整理床鋪,可能有助於餵養「隱形的怪物」。隨即,他放上一張凌亂、未整理過的床鋪圖片稱,「早上就這樣離開你的床,你的健康會因此感謝你……無論你有無伴侶,你永遠不是獨自1人睡覺」。






@drsermedmezher “I Hate Sleeping Alone” #really. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that thrive in our homes, particularly in places where they can find their primary food source: dead skin cells. These tiny arachnids are most commonly found in bedding, mattresses, upholstered furniture, and carpets—areas that provide an abundant supply of human skin flakes, warmth, and moisture. Feeding Habits: Dust mites feed on the dead skin cells that humans and pets shed. Each night, as we sleep, we shed tiny particles of skin, which accumulate in our beds. Dust mites feast on these skin flakes, making our beds and pillows ideal environments for their sustenance. Their digestive enzymes break down the skin cells, which they then absorb as nourishment. Preference for Moisture: Dust mites thrive in warm, humid environments. They require a certain level of moisture to survive and reproduce, as it helps them maintain their water balance. The humidity produced by our bodies as we sleep—through sweat and breath—creates the perfect humid microclimate in our bedding. This moisture-rich environment supports the dust mites' lifecycle and allows their population to flourish. Lifecycle and Reproduction: Dust mites reproduce rapidly in favorable conditions. A single dust mite can lay up to 100 eggs in its lifetime, leading to large populations in areas where food and moisture are plentiful. The average lifespan of a dust mite is about two to three months, during which they can produce several generations, further increasing their numbers. #allergy #health ♬ Storytelling - Adriel


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