


美國內華達州(State of Nevada)拉斯維加斯高中(Las Vegas High School),一名女學生日前竟在教室裡公然出手,狂揍另一名女學生頭部超過30下,超快手速疑似還將對方捶到失去意識,結果周圍其他人見狀後卻袖手旁觀,甚至還發出「呵呵」笑聲,而這21秒影片曝光也震驚各界。


美國內華達州(State of Nevada)拉斯維加斯高中(Las Vegas High School),一名女學生日前竟在教室裡公然出手,狂揍另一名女學生頭部超過30下,超快手速疑似還將對方捶到失去意識。(圖/翻攝自臉書)
美國內華達州(State of Nevada)拉斯維加斯高中(Las Vegas High School),一名女學生日前竟在教室裡公然出手,狂揍另一名女學生頭部超過30下,超快手速疑似還將對方捶到失去意識。(圖/翻攝自臉書)

克拉克縣(Clark County)警方指出,這起校園事件發生於2月2日,受害女同學慘遭一頓毆打後趴在桌上動也不動,目前傷勢不明。不過,有相關人士及網友則透露,受害者似乎已被打到失去意識,但此說法目前仍未證實。


Student beaten unconscious at Las Vegas High School while people sat around and did nothing.... well... they filmed it.... Get your kids out of public school. Homeschool. Our public school system experiment has failed. The ship is sinking- get off while you still have a life raft. My neighbor is a male math teacher in the high school. And he told us that we made the best decision for our children to homeschool. The amount of violence in schools (where he works is insane). And teacher has no right to do anything about it. Typical behavior from the dumbest generation. “The Clark County School District has confirmed that they are aware of the video that we posted earlier today of a girl being brutally beaten unconscious while students and teachers watched and even laughed in the background. Sadly, as usual CCSD seems more concerned with the video getting out and parents seeing what actually happens inside these schools than stopping the daily violence, riots, stabbings and assaults inside Las Vegas Schools.”

Olga Tsymbalysta 發佈於 2022年2月7日 星期一



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